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What You Should Know About Reiki

If you are interested in alternative medicine to help treat what ails you, whether you struggle with chronic pain or have cancer (or anything in between), then you may wonder what options are available to you and how they work. One of the alternative medicine options you might want to consider is Reiki. Get to know some of the important facts about Reiki as well as ho

Back Pain Relief Mistakes And How They Can Be Avoided

If you suffer from chronic back pain, then you may be searching for ways to eliminate your discomfort. And, in your attempt to control your pain, you may make some fairly significant pain control mistakes. Keep reading to learn about a few of the more common missteps and what you should be doing instead. Mistake: Constant Use Of Ice Or a Heating Pad Heating pads and i

What Are Your Options For Treating Post-Accident Facial Scarring?

After a car accident, injuries eventually heal, but if your face or head were severely impacted, you may still have some scarring. Although some people decide to just live with and embrace this scarring, that approach is not for everyone. The scarring may remind you of the crash every time you look in the mirror, or it may make you feel self-conscious while in public.

Top Benefits Of Supplement Sprays

You might already know that taking supplements can help you improve your performance and can help you live a healthier lifestyle. What you might not know is that supplements can be taken in various forms. Right now, you might just think about capsules and tablets when you think about supplements. However, there are other types of supplements that you can try, too, suc

What's All The Fuss About Omega-3?

Omega-3 fatty acids are popular these days for a good reason. They're very healthy for you. Omega-3s offer plenty of health benefits when taken in the recommended amount, but how you get that omega-3 is very important, too. Here's what you should know about omega-3s, their benefits, and how to get it safely. What It Is Omega-3s are a type of fatty acid that is typical