Play therapy is extremely helpful for children. If you have a child with depression, you may have considered treatment via a psychiatrist. Some parents worry that their children will have to take medication, but the truth is that many psychiatrists will focus on options like play therapy.
Want to learn more about play therapy? Here's what you should know.
Why Is Play Therapy a Good Option?
Play therapy is a good option because play is such an important part of our lives, especially in the lives of children. Children use play as a communication method, and therapists know how to interpret this.
Play is also a way to connect with others and stimulate one's creative thinking. Children can lead the way, focusing even on difficult emotions and troubling thoughts they have. For those with depression, play therapy offers a variety of benefits.
Play Therapy Is Structured
The structure of play therapy helps a professional understand your child's needs. While the child may not know that the session is structured, the psychiatrist knows how to structure therapy so that they can learn the most about your child.
Play Therapy Can Teach Children How to Adapt
For many children, learning how to adapt is a big part of depression. Psychiatrists can use play, something children know well, to teach them about something they may not be as familiar with. This can be extremely helpful for children who feel stuck.
Play Therapy Sheds Light on Maladaptive Skills and Coping Mechanisms
Children often turn to maladaptive or unhealthy coping mechanisms when they are depressed. In play therapy, the psychiatrist learns which techniques your child might be using to cope with depression. Therapists will then determine which treatment options are best used to address those coping mechanisms.
Play Therapy Allows Freedom of Expression
Often, children do not feel free to express themselves at home. In play therapy, a child will have the freedom to be creative. This can help a psychiatrist how the child might feel and how this can be addressed with treatment in future appointments. It sheds light on the child's true feelings, fears, and goals.
Psychiatrists Can Help You & Your Child
Depression is serious, and contrary to popular belief, it does show up in young children. The good news is that play therapy can help you better understand your child's needs. Therapy can address and treat depression, giving your child a chance at the life they deserve.